Effective fleet management with Connected Car

With the “Connected Car”, you can easily access information such as the amount of fuel consumed per day, the total driving time and distance, and their instant location on the map, by tracking the vehicles in your fleet.

Connected Car What Opportunities Does the Connected Car Offer You?

With many features such as location tracking, instant vehicle status information, driving performance, and emergency notification on the map in the Connected Vehicle tracking system; You can follow the fleet vehicles in your company more easily.

At the time of the accident, the exact location of the vehicle can be found instantly on the map. With the technological features it uses, D-One makes your vehicle fleet management safer, more efficient, and simple.

Scope of Service

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From the "Vehicle Status Information" panel, you can instantly monitor your vehicles that are parked, in motion, idling, have not turned on the ignition, or have connection problems. In this way, the vehicles that should be on the road during working hours can be monitored by the administrative workers.

For more detailed tracking of your fleet, you can use the "map" panel, and in case of emergency, you can access the vehicle's last location information from this panel.

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Thanks to the "Dashboard (visualized control)" panel, you can access information such as the daily fuel consumption of the vehicles in your fleet, the number of daily speed limits exceeded daily performance score, total driving time and total distance traveled. This information is collected in the data pool and determines the performance score of the drivers.

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With the “Reports” feature, all records followed in the system, such as fuel purchase history, driving performance scores, and map routes can also be received as detailed reports.

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The “Notifications” panel provides instant status updates, such as when your fleet vehicle has been in an accident or towed by a tow truck.

Useful Info

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Vehicle fleet tracking software is a technological system that contributes to the management of almost all vehicle fleet processes.

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